- What is a Waiting Pool and how does it work?
If a particular year group is at capacity, any Enrolment Applications submitted are added to the Waiting Pool for that relevant year group. When a place becomes available, we refer to our Waiting Pool, review all applications and offer an interview for potential enrolment.
Please note that geographical proximity to the College and length of time the application has been submitted are not taken into consideration.
Enrolment selection is a very complex process, incorporating the Enrolment Priorities set out by CEWA’s Executive Directive, as well as any pastoral considerations or context.
To have your child added to our Waiting Pool for enrolment consideration when a place becomes available, please click HERE. - How large are the waiting pools and how long will it take my child to gain enrolment at Sacred Heart College?
Places become available as families formally communicate their withdrawal from the College. For this reason, we have no foresight as to when or how frequently places will become available.
Our waiting pools are quite large, especially in lower school, however as the length of time the application has been submitted for is not taken into consideration, we encourage any family who is interested to not be deterred from submitting an Expression of Interest. - When should I lodge an Expression of Interest?
Future Year 7 Expressions of Interest can be lodged any time up until January of Year 5 when the formal application process commences. After this time, Expressions of Interest will be directed to the waiting pool.
Parents of students applying for current Years 7-12 should lodge an Expression of Interest as soon as possible, ensuring the application is completed in full to be considered and placed in the waiting pool. - What is the difference between an Expression of Interest and an Application?
An Expression of Interest (EOI) is the first step in the enrolment process. This collects essential details required to commence the enrolment journey and remain contactable by the College.
The Application stage occurs from Year 5 onwards, consisting of all supporting documents, additional important information and responses to the Four Pillars. Only once this information is provided, is the Application for Enrolment complete and can be passed onto the Principal for enrolment consideration.
For future Year 7 enrolments, the EOI is all that is required up until the end of the student being in Year 4. Once the student reaches January of Year 5, we will invite all relevant families to progress to Application stage and request all additional information and documents.
For current year groups, the College will invite families to immediately complete a full Enrolment Application to ensure the child is considered for enrolment promptly. Students will not be considered for enrolment or placed in the Waiting Pool until everything has been submitted. - What supporting documents are required to complete the Application?
An Application for Enrolment will not be considered until all support documents have been provided. These include:
- Birth Certificate (If your child was born overseas OR both parents were born overseas, please provide a copy of your family's Citizenship Certificate, Australian Passport or current Visa documents).
- Baptism Certificate (if applicable)
- Parish Priest Reference (template attached, highly recommended if applicable)
- 2 most recent reports in full
- Most recent NAPLAN (If your child is from overseas and has not sat NAPLAN, please upload a third academic report)
- Current Immunisation Record. This is a digital record obtained through MyGov, Medicare or Centrelink. Your child's hand written childhood immunisation schedule is not a valid document for this purpose
- Any relevant court orders or family plans to support legal guardianship (if applicable)
- If your child is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin and you would like to apply for the Aboriginal Bursary, please CLICK HERE for the information brochure and application form (also attached to this email)
Documents can be uploaded straight into your child’s online profile through the Parent Portal
- What are the Four Pillars and when is it necessary to complete them?
Our College offers a wide range of quality educational opportunities that fosters the Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Sporting development of students. These are known as the Four Pillars.
The Four Pillars responses assist the Principal in understanding the students interests, talents and development opportunities separate from their school reports.
Responses to the Four Pillars is only needed at the application stage. This means for future Year 7 Expressions of Interest, this can be skipped and provided in January of the student being in Year 5. For current year groups, the Four Pillars responses are required immediately to be considered for enrolment and placed in the waiting pool.
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For more information regarding how Sacred Heart College incorporates the Four Pillars into College life, please click HERE. - I am completing an Expression of Interest, however my child is very young and some of this information is not relevant yet. What should I do?
If your student is in Year 3 or younger, some of the information we request in the Expression of Interest may not be available or relevant.
In January of your student being in Year 5, you will be given the opportunity to provide all remaining documents and information prior to the Year 7 Enrolment Selection Process commencing to build their application. - When will I know if my child has a place for Year 7?
The full enrolment process takes place in Semester 1 of Year 5. The enrolment process will start in Mid-January of that year and places will be offered by the end of June the same year.
- What are your feeder Primary Schools?
Sacred Heart College has no formal feeder primary schools. Geographical location or proximity to the College is not an enrolment priority or criteria, however attending a Catholic Primary school is an enrolment priority.
For more information regarding CEWA Enrolment Priorities, please click HERE. - Does Sacred Heart College offer Scholarships?
Sacred Heart College does not currently offer tuition scholarships for Spiritual, Academic, Cultural and Sporting talents; however, we do offer an Aboriginal Bursary Program. For more information regarding this program, please click HERE.
We also offer Music Scholarships for a variety of musical instruments which covers the cost of lessons.
The College also offers concessions to holders of eligible Health Care Cards (HCC) and Pensioner Concession Cards. For more information regarding fees, charges and concessions, please click HERE. - How do I arrange a tour of the College?
College tours are primarily offered at your child’s enrolment interview, so that your family can view the facilities and College life prior to making a final decision on enrolment offer acceptance.
For families wanting to view the College earlier, we run Group Tours of the College throughout the year. If you would like to book a place on one of our Group Tours, please click HERE.
You can also view our facilities by watching our Virtual Tour of the College. - How many streams does Sacred Heart have?
At Sacred Heart College we pride ourselves on our pastoral care. To ensure all students are known and cared for, the College operates 8 streams, with a maximum of 32 students per class. The class sizes reduce as students choose more defined subjects in Years 10-12.
- My student is not Catholic, will they still be considered for enrolment?
The Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CEWA) has an Executive Directive on Enrolment. This Directive contains a priority order that is used to select students for whom an offer of enrolment interview will be made. Catholic students hold a higher priority than non-Catholic students. To view the CEWA Enrolment Priorities, please click HERE.
Due to the high demand for places at Sacred Heart College and the number of applications we receive, we are at times unable to consider non-Catholic applications until future years. As each year group varies, we encourage all those who are interested in enrolment at Sacred Heart College to complete an Expression of Interest for enrolment consideration.